The C. Everett Koop National Health Awards recognize outstanding worksite health promotion and improvement programs. Each year, awards are presented by The Health Project’s leadership to winning organizations as part of the HERO Forum.
One of the unique and important requirements of the Koop Awards is that winners are able to document results, both in terms of health improvement and economic impact. The projects must answer the questions: what was done; did it work; and was it worth it.
Through its tradition of awarding programs with demonstrated health improvements coupled with cost savings, The Health Project has been instrumental in promoting the measurement and evaluation of evidence-based workplace health promotion programs.
In 2025, we are inaugurating a new award program: The Health Project Innovation Award. This award recognizes employers who have introduced significant innovation into their organization’s health and well-being programs that show great potential to improve the overall health and well-being of their workforce.
Applications now being accepted for the 2025 Koop Awards.
2025 C. Everett Koop National Health Award Application
2025 C. Everett Koop Innovation Award Application
Koop Awards Criteria
Before beginning the application, please confirm that your program has met the following criteria:
- The program meets The Health Project’s goal of improving population health by helping individuals change unhealthy behaviors and reducing health risks,
- The program shows it has worked to establish a culture of health at the workplace and/or in the community,
- The program offers good value for the money spent investing in these programs.
What is The Health Project (THP)?
THP is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established in 1994 by former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop. Its mission is to define, promote, and increase the adoption of workplace health and well-being practices that translate into measurable operational impact.
Who Founded The Health Project?
Dr. C. Everett Koop, along with Carson E. Beadle, founded The Health Project with support from the White House. Dr. Koop served as the 13th Surgeon General of the United States under President Ronald Reagan. He became a household name during his tenure and is widely regarded as one of the most influential Surgeon Generals in American history.
What is The Health Project’s Vision?
To promote evidence-based health and well-being practices demonstrating how a high performing healthy workforce drives organizations, communities, and nations to thrive.
Who is Eligible to Apply for the Koop and Innovation Awards?
Any business or organization can apply. There is no application fee. A panel of experts reviews each submission and applicants receive feedback on the strengths and weaknesses (or areas of improvement) of their program.
What are the Eligibility Criteria for the C. Everett Koop Award?
To be recognized for the Koop Award, a program must:
- Employ comprehensive and evidence-based strategies designed to improve the health and well-being of the entire employee population, across the health continuum, from well to ill;
- Have been in place for a minimum of three years;
- Be well-integrated into the organization’s broader health and well-being initiative; and
- Demonstrate significant improvement in population health and noteworthy business results.
What Makes the Koop Awards Unique?
The Koop Awards are heavily weighted by the strength of evidence supporting positive health and business outcomes.
The application must answer these three questions:
- What was done?
- Did it work?
- Was it worth it?
How Many Organizations Have Won the Koop Award?
- To date, 72 organizations have won the Koop Award and 75 have received Honorable Mention.
Who is Eligible to Apply for the Innovation Award?
The Innovation Award recognizes employers who have introduced significant innovation into their organization’s health and well-being programs that show great potential to improve the overall health and well-being of their workforce.
What are the Eligibility Criteria for the Innovation Award?
To be recognized for the Innovation Award, a program must:
- Have been implemented for a minimum of one year;
- Be well-integrated into the organization’s broader health and well-being initiative;
- Provide provisional data demonstrating positive health and economic benefits;
- Incorporate evidence-based elements of sufficient intensity to yield a population-based response (sometimes described as a therapeutic dose); and
- Be supported by initial evidence of improvement in population health and noteworthy business results.
Will Application Information be Kept Private and Confidential?
Yes, applications are kept confidential during the review process. However, for Koop and Innovation Awards winners, we publish their applications online along with the positive feedback provided by the reviewers. One of The Health Project’s objectives is to spotlight exemplary programs so that other employers may draw on them for inspiration for their programs. Winners will be able to edit out any proprietary information from their application prior to its posting for public consumption.
Can an employer apply for both the Koop and Innovation awards in the same year?
No. Organizations may only apply for either Koop Award or the Innovation Award in a given year, not both.
Can an employer apply for the Koop and Innovation awards two years in a row?
Organizations may apply and be considered for either Koop or Innovation Award every two years to allow for adequate collection of new data highlighting updated results compared to the prior application.
If a Previous Koop Award Recipient Reapplies, Can the Organization Reuse Content from a Previous Application?
Yes, previous Koop Award recipients can submit the same program for consideration. However, they must include new data demonstrating further improvements since their last application.. New initiatives, innovations, and adaptations will be viewed favorably.
Does THP Recommend Independent Third-Party Evaluation Services for Applicants??
No. THP does not provide specific recommendations for independent third-party evaluators. Most applications are prepared internally by the applying organization, but in some cases, universities, consulting firms, and vendors have assisted in the preparation of the application. If external contributors are involved, those organizations must be disclosed in the application.
What are the deadlines for applying?
Koop Award Application Deadline: 5:00 PM EST, May 30, 2025.
Innovation Award Deadline: 5:00 PM EST, June 30, 2025.
Notification of Winners: July/August 2025
Public Announcement of Winners: September 2025